Holy frijole.. H5N1

We all remember the H1N1 virus from a few years ago right? Well there's a new virus in town, H5N1, that top virologists have been studying. H5N1 is a strain of influenza that's deadly in birds. H5N1 has been coaxed by researcher Ron Fouchier from Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands and his team to leap between species, from birds to ferrets. This research was completed in state of the art facilitates with rigorous bio safety controls --people in anti-contaminate space suits etc. That's good to know.. but while the risk of being infected in this controlled setting is less than 1%, it is not zero.. This research having been completed is controversial, scientists mutated strains of a deadly influenza that are transmissible between mammals-- we're mammals. The research specifically demonstrated that with the induced mutations H5N1 was not only transmissible between mammals in close contact, but was also an airborne infectious agent. That's...